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15 Timesaving Housework Shortcuts

Housework shortcuts are the smart way to do housekeeping. They save you time and make it easier to have a clean and tidy home with minimal effort.

Housework basics won’t suffer if you learn timesaving ways to get your daily chores done in minutes instead of hours.

15 Timesaving Housework ShortcutsSimplify and declutter

  • 40% of your housework time is spent taking care of stuff you no longer use. You have to pay for it, keep track of it, clean it, pick it up, repair it and store it and even pay for it again.

Sometimes you even have to add to it, upkeep it, apologize for it, move it, hide it and argue over it. No wonder it eats up your time, money and energy! Start a decluttering plan to shorten your housekeeping routine.

Housework Shortcuts for Clothing

  • Reduce your ironing- make a spray bottle of lavender and water. Spray clothing instead of ironing. Lavender relaxes wrinkles so your clothes look like hey have just been pressed. Now you have less to iron.
  • Put damp clothing on hangers so they dry quickly with less wrinkles. Then hang in closet. Reduce folding time. Easy to put away.
  • Organize your laundry and use separate laundry bins for colors and whites. No more time wasted sorting clothes.
  • Give your bathroom a quick wipe with a microfibre cloth each day. Makes a big clean much quicker.
  • If you have boys who have a zillion dirty socks, get them to put them in a mesh bag. Wash and dry the socks still in the bag and return them to your son. Saves time folding and looking for socks.

Cleaning Shortcuts

  • Professional cleaners use a few simple products that work. Simplify your cleaners. Use a vinegar and water cleaner for a disinfectant and one or two of your favourite cleaners. Add some microfibre clothes to your kit and you are done. Keep them in cleaning kit you can carry room to room. No more looking for cleaning products
  • Give your washing machine and dishwasher a clean once every six weeks. Put them on a hot wash cycle with 1 cup of vinegar. This cleans out pipes, dissolves soap scum and removes any bad smells and makes your clothes and dishes cleaner.
  • Always clean from the top down sweeping or cleaning the floor last. This gives you a quick cleaning system where you don’t to back over what you have cleaned.
  • Take a few minutes a day to clean floors so there isn’t a huge build up of dust.

Kitchen Cleaning Shortcuts

  • Keep your kitchen uncluttered by cleaning and putting away dishes as you go.. Make it a habit. Then your kitchen counters are clear and easy to clean. This cuts down on your kitchen cleaning housework.
  • Keep your trash bag roll at the bottom of the garbage can, you no longer have to find it.
  • Clean out and clean up your fridge the day before you go shopping . Your fridge is almost empty so you save time organizing and cleaning the fridge
  • Boil burnt pans with water then scrub with baking soda paste. This is a timesaving technique for keeping your pots clean and sparkly.
  • Clean while you cook so there is very little housework after dinner.
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