Household Storage Ideas

Have you ever considered that the ideal creative storage solutions in your home may be hiding right under your nose?

Household Storage IdeasThat in fact, your biggest home storage problem may be too many possessions or the wrong storage for the items that need a home. Whatever your storage problems are, there are five principals to direct your course of action so you can choose the best, most attractive and functional creative storage solutions for your home.

Do you need more storage or do you need to declutter?

Guideline 1- Ask yourself: do you need more home storage or do you need to declutter?

A new storage solution can quickly turn into a trap to accumulate more clutter . Hundreds of dollars and hours of time are saved by streamlining your possessions before you buy storage solutions that turn into storage nightmares

Decluttering creates more space for what you love. It motivates you to sell or donate the clutter you no longer use. You create space, let go of the storage items you don’t love and generate some extra money by doing this. Decluttering by nature is a creative process and will always inspire great home storage ideas.

Assess the home storage you have

Guideline 2-Do a home storage needs assessment. This way you accurately assess what home storage you need. It’s a practical exercise . You look at the size of the room, the amount of stuff you have and how you will store it. The BeFree Organizing Key of everything must have a home fits into place here.

Clutter free questions to ask

  • What storage works well in your home and what doesn’t?
  • What home storage makes your life easier and what adds extra work?
  • What storage looks great and what storage looks awful?
  • What storage is too big or too small?
  • Are there places in your home where items pile up because you need to have storage?
  • Grab a paper and pen and write down your thoughts.

What storage would you love to own? Be Creative

Guideline 3 Be creative.

What home storage would you love to own? This is where you get to come up with creative storage solutions that look fantastic, work with your lifestyle and make your home function better.

These choices can range from small storage items such as baskets and containers to large storage items such as furniture. The way to get creative is to clarify what you think is beautiful and create some visual happiness while improving the function of your home.

Buy a few home magazines cut out the pictures of storage options would suit your space or possessions. Don’t be practical, use your imagination and go for what you really want. Get clear on the style and design you love.

Clutter Free Decision making Keys

Use the Clutter Free Decision Making Key of, “Do you love it?” as a guiding force with your storage.

Any storage whether it is furniture, baskets, boxes or smaller containers function better if they are attractive, fit in with your décor and most of all is something you absolutely love to see and use.

Closed or Open Storage?

The fourth guideline to generate more home storage ideas will clarify the concept of open and closed storage which can be the difference between creating home storage solutions which are functional and attractive or creating more clutter.

Open storage is used to store items that are attractive to look at or in attractive containers. This storage will add an artistic focal point to the space they are in. Think jars of beautiful sharpened colored pencils, art books in a beautifully woven basket or open white shelves with framed family pictures. Open storage is meant to showcase the object as well as the container and adds an element of interest to any room while adding to the beauty, function and comfort of the surroundings.

Closed storage is more utilitarian aspect to it. This storage houses the items that do not enhance the décor of the room and are containerized and placed in a cupboard or drawer.

Although these items are hidden they are still organized into categories and containerized for easy accessibility. Items such as A4 folders, plastic containers, cleaning or office supplies or clothing are often in closed storage.

Closed storage facilitates a feeling of calm and peace by removing items from surface areas and clearing floor space. This supports a minimalist décor where empty clean lines are important and all possessions are spaciously stored behind closed doors whether a cupboard or a closet.

Take a look around a room in your home and decide what items could add personality to your room and be suitable for open storage and what items detract from a room and need to be containerized and stored. Just becoming aware of this guideline will change how you see your possessions and what needs to be stored where and a few changes will instantly make your home more comfortable and attractive.

Trial your storage choices to see if they work for you

Guideline 5 – Trial any new storage solution to see if it works for you before you make any big changes. Many expensive storage products have been bought sounding fantastic in theory but failing in practicality. Before you make big changes take the time to trial your new system and home storage idea to see if it works for you.

Discover home storage that make your life easier

Discovering the home storage ideas that make life easier will help you to continue to brainstorm your individualized storage solutions so every item in your home is well cared for and more importantly at your fingertips. Just considering a few new storage concepts can be the key to unlocking the home storage ideas you need to shift your thinking so you are open to ideas and possibilities that you hadn’t thought of, as well as discovering the fantastic creative storage solutions that work well for you.