in Christmas Holiday Ideas by

More Organizing Ideas For Christmas

Well it’s that time of year again and the Christmas countdown is on. Now is the time to think about some really useful Christmas organizing ideas so this season can be a time to enjoy and share.

I love Christmas and for me I enjoy and embrace all the pleasures and socializing the season has to offer but like most mom’s I do most to all of the Christmas organizing which involves planning, baking and shopping.

More Organizing Ideas For ChristmasAs I mentioned in the most recent newsletter Christmas in Australia is rather complicated.

Maybe the Australians don’t think so but I miss the simplicity of the Canadian Christmas where the cold weather makes shopping a little easier and socializing in the isolation of the winter that much more special.

Green and red look wonderful with the white snow but here in the hot weather it doesn’t have the same effect.

The most beautiful Christmas tree I have ever seen in Australia was completely decorated in hot pink which suited the sharp glare of the hot sun, sea breezes and the vivid blue of the sky.

Here in Australia the Christmas Season is co-joined with the end of school and summer holidays and it goes something like this: Christmas (shopping, wrapping, baking, socializing, and Christmas carols all in the hot weather) happens at the end of the school year (parent teacher meetings, plays, music concerts, school get togethers and celebrations) plus it’s the beginning of the summer holidays.

As insane or brilliantly smart as it sounds I spend the week before Christmas every year holidaying with my family at a beautiful beach. The week for me is swimming in a turquoise ocean, lazing on the beach, reading a book a day and having my husband barbeque every night. I do bring an advent calendar to keep the season in mind and light a beeswax candle in the shape of a Christmas tree every night at dinner.

The upside to Christmas in Australia is I have developed some no fuss ways to get organized for Christmas. For me simplicity is key and the main guideline here is to leave nothing to the last moment.

I suggest you sit down with a pen and jot down a short and simple plan. Being prepared is essential and writing down the date for shopping, cleaning, organizing and baking will let you distribute your Chrismas workload a little more evenly.

Here are my ten short and simple tips to make your countdown to Christmas filled with a little more joy and pleasure. I hope they work well for you.

  1. The most effective thing I do is to complete one main Christmas task per week, leaving the week before Christmas with only menu planning and grocery shopping to do. Work on any Christmas lists or organizing ideas in the evening. You can do them even while you watch TV.
  2. Create a master gift list starting with your family, then friends and colleagues and add people who help during the year. This may include teachers, babysitters, cleaners, and gardeners. Start your shopping early and add a few extra gifts for emergencies.
  3. Purchase your wrapping paper, ribbons, and name cards in November and make a gift wrapping box with scissors and tape so you can wrap gifts as you buy them. This way when Christmas Eve comes everything is wrapped and ready under the tree. No late nights frantically wrapping and putting Christmas together and on the 24th you just put them under the tree and enjoy the evening.
  4. Make a Christmas card list in November and add people you want to telephone and e-mail. Write down contact information and schedule when you will do it preferably the first week in December.
  5. Start a major tidy up before December first and let go of one unnecessary item each day. You may want to wash walls, windows and skirting boards, get the garden and outside eating area ready if you are in Australia and repair any items that need fixing. See if you can speed declutter clothing and donate to charity or do a clear out of toys before you need to find space for all the new gifts. Do this early in the season.
  6. Grab a garbage bag and do a fast declutter and reorganize your pantry, freezer and refrigerator. Get rid of empty bottles, old food items, things you no longer want and clear out and re-organize your freezer to make room for holiday supplies. Give everything a good clean and make room for Christmas supplies long before you need them.
  7. Use one calendar to write down all social activates and add on anything you need to prepare. For example my son is going to camp on the 22nd of November and on the 21st I have to bake two cakes. Both items get written down on the calendar as do any unusual or extra errands that have to be done at specific times.
  8. Order hams, turkeys and specialty items in early December. Get your hair appointments booked and complete any outstanding items.
  9. Plan your Christmas menu in early December and make a grocery list that includes what you need for the days the grocery stores are closed. Keep this list on hand so you can add to it when inspiration hits.
  10. Make sure you get enough sleep, keep up with your exercise and have time to relax. Make this a priority so you are filled with Christmas Cheer during the countdown to Christmas.

What are your favourite organizing tips for your Christmas countdown?

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