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7 Brilliant Tips For Decluttering Your Home

Decluttering your home is an amazingly rewarding experience. By just clearing out clutter you can completely change the look of your home.

7 Brilliant Tips For Decluttering Your HomeOne essential to be successful is to have a plan.

A plan gives you a sense of direction and helps you clarify your thoughts, think through each step and organize anything you need.

Here are seven essential tips to maximize your success with any clutter free project.

What is your biggest why?

Why do you want to declutter? Do you want more time with the family? Do you need a functional work space? Is your kitchen organization driving you nuts? Why do you want to take the time to do this?

What do you want to declutter?

What exactly do you want to declutter?

Is it a room, a medium size storage area or a series of shelves that will take you a month to clear?

Identifying the size of the job lets you estimate the time you need to complete it and when you can schedule it in.

How long will this project take you?

How long is this decluttering project going to take you?

Small jobs are fifteen minutes to half an hour, medium jobs an hour or two and bigger jobs more than two hours. Knowing how many small projects and how many big projects there are when you are decluttering your home lets you realize how big the job is.

This lets you schedule the right time for the right job.

What is clutter to you?

What is clutter to you? What do you personally want to get rid of?

This is the time to clarify the clutter you will find and make a list of what you are going to let go and what you want to keep.

Estimating how much clutter you would love to get rid of, in the area you are clearing, gets you in the letting go mood.

Work in tens such as 10%, 20% or more. This lets you get a little more ruthless and you will find you let go of a lot more.

What are your clutter free standards?

Establish your personal clutter free standards for the area. Taking a few minutes to clarify some guidelines for letting go that will work well for you, helps you with quick decision making.

What is in your decluttering tool kit?

Prepare your decluttering tool kit.

Get ready with extra strong garbage bags, one for throwing away and the other for donations, a box for homeless items and cleaning tools so you can stay focused and on track.

Picture the end result

Picture the end result. Close your eyes and see your half empty closet, the bookshelf that now has room and a home with all the surfaces uncluttered and clear. What is the end result you want to create for the area you are clearing?

Decluttering your home with these seven tips will make your decision making quicker, help you identify your clutter and let go of the things that no longer make life easier.

Declutter and create the space to relax and welcome good things into your life.

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