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Get Rid Of Your Clutter Excuses

An effective way to declutter your home and get rid of stuck, long term clutter is by looking at your favourite clutter excuses.

Reducing superficial clutter is easy because you simply tidy up a drawer or cupboard and throw away a few things. In the long run nothing much changes.

Get Rid Of Your Clutter ExcusesFor a lot of people permanently getting rid of clutter can be a big challenge. More often than not it’s a long term ongoing struggle.

Making those clutter free shifts in your thinking is what will clear the clutter out of your home to give you the space, time and peace of mind. This often means going a little deeper into your clutter free journey and to start to ask why you are hanging on to so much stuff.

My home and life really started to change when I looked at why I hung on to things that really were not useful in my life. By that I mean I had no plan to use them, they did not make my life easier and often they were items that really were not that great to look at.

I had a lot of stuff out of sight and out of mind in my garage for years and for a long time every closet, cupboard and drawer were maxed out with absolutely no extra room. Most of these things were possessions that were never used, cherished or looked at but at the time I just couldn’t give it away because I used the clutter excuses as a standard for keeping things.

This didn’t change until I looked at the five most common clutter accumulating excuses and how they worked in my life. Once I let go of the clutter excuses and replaced them with the Clutter Free Decision Making Keys it was much easier to let go of large amounts of clutter. More than I had ever done in my life.

When you can identify your favorite clutter excuses that you use to keep stuck and hold you back ,you can start to easily clear out significant amounts of clutter that have been sitting around for years in the backs of closets, under beds, packed in boxes in the garage or basement and in the rooms you no longer want to walk in to.

So if you are ready to shift large amounts of clutter and make huge changes in your home here is a micro look at the five most common clutter excuses for holding on to the stuff you no longer use or love.

The first excuse is,” I might need it one day” This thinking can fill up your garage, triple your craft materials and be the reason you hang on to clothes you really never wear. If you cannot think of a time you will use the item within a year reconsider if you really need to keep it.

Another common yet subtle excuse is “just making do”, this is the realm of shopping mistakes and second best choices. This breeds dissatisfaction and multiple purchases which just add up to clutter. Just ask, “do I love this?” If you answer no, start to ask yourself different questions such as, what do I love , what makes me feel fantastic, what do I love to look at, wear or use .

A popular clutter excuse is keeping clutter because you spent a lot of money on it. Closets, kitchens, living rooms and garages are full of these items that are now redundant and not enjoyed. It doesn’t matter if you spent two dollars or two thousand if that item is no longer used or loved it is clutter.

A great way to keep longstanding clutter is to hang on to items from the past. This is wonderful when these possessions are cared for and stored with love, displayed and the source of wonderful memories. Unfortunately things from the past can be a burden and are often kept in moldy damp basements and garages only to be uncovered and damaged.

Indecision and attachment are major reasons for holding on to broken, ugly, unloved possessions as well as staying stuck where you are. If you can work through these feelings and venture a little past your comfort zone you will be able to clear your clutter easily and quickly.

You can declutter your home and get rid of your clutter excuses. Taking small steps to clear your clutter and asking why you are hanging onto a possession you haven’t used or don’t really like, will generate the energy you need to shift you into the clutter free mind set where getting rid of clutter is easy and enjoyabble

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