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10 Tips For Time Management

Would you love to finish your day feeling up because you were able to get everything you want done and more?

10 Tips for Time ManagementSimple changes, can make a big difference to how you manage your time.

Time management is defined as the ability to arrange, organize and schedule your time so you are more effective and productive in everything you do.

Most people have strengths and weaknesses with this. You may be great at organizing the kids but have lost your way with the paper flow.

Maybe you can’t get the household chores under at control but at work you are in the drivers seat.

Organizing Tips to Manage Your Day

Here are ten simple tips that will organize your day and let you do more with less.

Match Task With Time

Match task with time. This means give each job or task you need to do a time allotment. Some task might need one hour uninterrupted work, other tasks fifteen minutes a day.

Too often you can get derailed by not thinking how much time the task you want done can take. Trying to make a big job get done in a too small amount of time sets you up for failure.

Plan ahead and write things down

Plan ahead and write things down. Use a planner and take a bird’s eye view of what you want to accomplish. This lets you pre-plan grocery shopping, consolidate errands, schedule in the time you need for your business or work and plan quality time with friends or family.

Block work periods out

Think about creating a schedule and blocking time into half hour or hour time periods.

This limits distractions, creates focus and makes clear boundaries between work and play.

It also lets you take the phone off the hook, let your family know you will be busy for an hour and focus to get the task done.

Setting time limits also lets you concentrate on getting the task done.

Organize as you go

Spending a few moments organizing your desk, making a short list, or filling in a planner is a best time saver you can do. Small moments organizing can save hours in your week.

Keep things flexible. Don’t be afraid to change your list or change the the way you want to plan things.

Limit multi tasking

Research has shown multi tasking may actually work as a distraction decreasing your ability to finish tasks efficiently.

Do one thing at a time with all your focus, concentration and energy. See if you reach your outcome quicker and better.

Then switch to another task.

Group similar tasks together

Try consolidating errands, phone calls, e-mails, housework, or any personal projects. Doing similar or related tasks together gets you into the zone and often tasks flow to completion.

Develop a rhythm or routine for the things you have to do

Scientists state complex tasks become easier and general tasks can be done quicker when part of the process becomes a routine.

Creating a routine keeps you organized and prevents tasks from piling up.

Doing tasks at certain times of the day or week get you into a rhythm creating momentum and energy around what you do.

This may mean tuning in to whether you are a morning person or a night owl and discovering what time to the day your energy is highest.

Prioritize daily

Look at your day and highlight the tasks that would bring you the most benefit.

This may be your hardest task, or the task that will bring you closer to your most important goal.

Put these at the top of your list and do them first.

Focus on task completion

Always start with the end in mind. If you are unable to complete a larger task break it down into smaller actions and focus on completing each step.

Set aside refresh time

If you find getting work done is really difficult you may not be scheduling enough time to rejuvenate and relax. Having a balance of work and play helps you to work quicker with more enthusiasm and concentration.

Reassess at the end of the day

Take a few minutes to re think your success or what you need to improve and make a plan for the next day.

Thinking about your success actually improves your motivation and energy.

Thinking about what you can do better makes you think laterally and increase your effectiveness.

These little shifts in action that can help you be productive and efficient.

Time management skills are essential for anyone who works, manages a home and family, studies or is working in a home business.

What organizing tip will benefit you?

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